Saturday, July 24, 2010

What a day for a daydream

Today has been kind of a lazy day. The weather here in ABQ was only in the low 90's and it was a bit overcast with intermittent cool breezes. So, much of the day I hung out at the pool and read and people-watched. I was rereading portions of the Esther and Jerry Hicks' book called, "Ask and It Is Given." All of their books discuss different aspects of getting the most from the Law of Attraction. I love reading other peoples' take on this topic as I am also very familiar with it.
Anyway, I was just flipping through the book and landed on the page that states: "Nothing is more important than feeling good." YES! Then I saw an activity recommended to help you increase your % of time feeling good. It was called the game of Virtual Reality! Without going into great detail regarding the law of attraction, I will say that unless you clear away any resistances you might have to attracting what you really want, chances are that it may be difficult to manifest those desires. Also, these resistances fill the space where the good stuff needs to go. This is a fun way to help get rid of resistance and allow yourself to accept what you are asking for. Since feeling good is so crucial to manifesting desires, I love to practice feeling really good as often as possible. I like this process so I'm going to share it with you so you can try it.
Basically, you deliberately activate a scene in your own mind that causes you to feel fabulous! Choose a place you have been, want to go to or just imagined. Then begin to add every tiny detail to this image to your exact liking. What do you see, hear, feel, taste? Go wild! There is no limit to the perfection you can create in your mind. When you do it, you will feel yourself lighten up and smile. This kind of daydream can be done any day any time of day. For was the perfect day to create a perfect daydream...and I did...and I felt great! Try it, you'll like it!
Don't try this while driving or operating heavy machinery:-)

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