Find your creed
-I believe that the sun should never set upon an argument
-We believe in one God
-I believe in the future of agriculture
-I WILL lead my Patrol by my initiative and my personal example, in Scoutcraft knowledge as well as in Scout Spirit
-The Creator and Benefactor of the universe to whom everything and every being returns
These are just a small sample of creeds, stated beliefs, affirmations. What are yours, I do not mean what are the creeds of the groups that you belong to but the beliefs that you truly hold toward yourself, your family, or your community. All too often have I left my personal creed unacknoledged. Take the time to examine your thoughts and determine your own creed.
To share a little of my own:
-I believe selfless service is a service to the self.
- I believe I have the right and power to be happy.
-We believe in one God
-I believe in the future of agriculture
-I WILL lead my Patrol by my initiative and my personal example, in Scoutcraft knowledge as well as in Scout Spirit
-The Creator and Benefactor of the universe to whom everything and every being returns
These are just a small sample of creeds, stated beliefs, affirmations. What are yours, I do not mean what are the creeds of the groups that you belong to but the beliefs that you truly hold toward yourself, your family, or your community. All too often have I left my personal creed unacknoledged. Take the time to examine your thoughts and determine your own creed.
To share a little of my own:
-I believe selfless service is a service to the self.
- I believe I have the right and power to be happy.