Did you ever have a day that was just right? A day when everything went along smoothly and joyfully? Well, I had one of those days today. I was on my balcony at 5:30 this morning where the dark predawn sky was haunting and the air was cool. I watched the sky change colors right before my eyes as the sun began to make its way upward from behind the mountain. I did some writing, had a great breakfast and went to my doctor's appointment with was absolutely uneventful. From there I drove 14 miles UP to the top of the mountain, called The Sandia Crest. There I sat in awe of the view, hiked, took pictures of families so everyone could be in their photo, had some lunch and drove back down the mountain. When I got home, I changed and went to the pool for a swim and just to relax, talked with some great people, spent 20 minutes in the hot tub and came back to the apartment. I showered, had dinner and watched a funny movie. As I was getting ready to post in my gratitude journal, I realized just what a spectacular day today had been. Though I am grateful for all my days...today was a real keeper and I am especially grateful for it! The view from 10,648 feet was...well, I'll let you decide.
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